Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is my new favorite picture of Sean. He is smiling a lot but he doesn't laugh yet. At his 2 month appointment he weighed 12lbs. and was 24.3 inches long. That puts him in the 91% in his height but his head and weight are average.
But you better watch out he spits up a lot.
Here are my favorite men together and doing my favorite thing sleeping.

Courtney and Saige watching t.v. after church. They were really zoned out. Just like there Mother used to get.

All dressed up and nowhere to go. We had just gotten home from church.

I was glad that we could get together as friends even when some of us are missing. Tina came even though Brandy had to work. Susie couldn't make it because of the weather I think. It was a pretty bad storm that we drove in I'm glad everyone made it there safely.

We had our friend Christmas party at Olive Garden. We did an ugly sweater contest. And as always JB didn't want to do it and I ran out of time to go get an ugly sweater. So we were the party poopers.

We had a great time !

Chris and Mike were such good sports and wore the ugly sweaters.

I loved Katy and Mikes look. They were wearing matching belly shirts.


  1. You have such a perfect little family! I should really go fishing around Kristie's blog more often I find all my favorite people! :o)

  2. That is too funny, I wish I could have come to the Ugly Sweater party. I think my favorite picture is the girls zoned out watching T.V. that was so like you when we were growing up.

  3. Great blog Corinne! I'm so happy I can keep up on your family now. Sorry it took me so long to look at it. I'm not very good at taking care of a baby and doing other things yet, but I'm working on it!

  4. Corinne! welcome to the blogging world. I love seeing pics of your kids- especially that cute boy!!!!

  5. PS, weather was apart of it, I was at a wedding all day and no babysitter for jax. I won't take him to places like the olive garden anymore...he gets hives too easily.
